NJ Residential Real Estate


If you are buying or selling a home in New Jersey, whether it’s a re-sale due to divorce or relocation, or you have a new construction you are investing in, give us a call and let’s talk about it. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you a lawyer is not necessary for this life-changing process. Don’t let the other side of a real estate deal take advantage of you. Attorney Travisano will walk through the minefield that can sometimes be a real estate closing.

Start with a thorough review of the contract during attorney review. We will make sure that you understand and agree with every word, making changes if necessary.

You will need help with the home inspection clause to fully understand:

  • What rights you have in asking for repairs to be made.
  • What kinds of repairs the seller of a house is required to fix.
  • And how do Township requirements impact the sale of a home.

Allow Travisano Law Office to coordinate your closing with the realtors, builder, Title Company and lender to free you up to focus on other elements of the time-consuming real estate transaction process. We will help you with your real estate purchase and sale, and will also assist you in navigating the refinancing process.

Have competent, knowledgeable counsel sitting right beside you at the closing table, making sure everything is done correctly and dealing with any problems, so you can instead enjoy the act of buying or selling your new home.